
“Children learn best through their everyday experiences with the people they love and trust, and when the learning is fun.”

The curriculum at Creative Youth Enrichment Center combines a mixture of child initiated and teacher guided activities.  This approach is based on the research and beliefs of Arnold Gesell, Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori, Lev Vygotsky and Erik Erikson, leaders in early childhood learning.  In a child initiated curriculum, experts believed that a child’s physical and cognitive development occur over time in stages which are predictable and sequential.  As a child plays and interacts with their environment, they form an understanding of how the world works.  It is believed that in a teacher guided curriculum that children learn about their world best by interacting with other people and will reach their full potential through guidance and modeling by adults.

Your child’s learning experience at Creative Youth Enrichment Center revolves around theme based learning which capitalizes on children’s interest and guidance from adults.  Themes such as bugs, weather or gardening provide a meaningful context for children to learn and build a community of leaders.  Themes are also incorporated into our Discovery Centers for Play Based Learning.